Hi! My name is Simon McNeely. Welcome to my Technical Writing Portfolio. Please feel free to have a look around.
My About page is currently under construction, but if you’re looking to learn about me, find me at my Linkedin or check out my GitHub


Technical Documentation

Here is a collection of my works of technical documentation, including white papers, proposals, and others.

Instructional Writing

Here you will find my works of instructional design and educational writing.

Visual Design

Here I provide a few examples of visuals I have created, includes works such as datasheets and powerpoint presentations.

Computer Science Demos

Here is a collection of videos showing the final product of some of my computer science assignments from my undergraduate degree.


Here I demonstrate my editing capabilities, currently includes soft copy edits using Microsoft Word.


Here is a sample of other miscellaneous works of writing I have done including essays from my undergraduate degree.

This website was made with GitHub Pages using jekyll-theme-console, check out my repository here